
All registrations for TBMCE 2024 must be submitted through the online registration form.


  • 400.00 EUR (VAT excluded) – includes get-together (Wednesday), lunch (Thursday), gala dinner (Thursday) and coffee breaks

Discounts for SRIP Circular Economy members

  • 0.00 EUR – only for members of SRIP Circular Economy  – panelists  (gala dinner not included)
  • 190.00 EUR (VAT excluded) – for members of SRIP Circular Economy who do not participate in panels (gala dinner not included)

Other participants

  • 220.00 EUR (VAT excluded) (gala dinner not included)
  • 0.00 EUR – special invitation from the organizer


  • 30.00 EUR –payment for the lunch
  • 60.00 EUR –payment for the gala dinner